แสดงถึงสภาพคล่องของธนาคารจะลดลง ซึ่งจากกราฟแท่งจะเห็นว่า SME Bank มี loans to deposits เกินว่า 1 แสดงว่า SME Bank มีขีดความสามารถในการปล่อยสินเชื่อลดน้อยลง
Represents the Bank's liquidity will be reduced, from which the bar graph can see that SME Bank deposits to loans that are more than 1 show that SME Bank has the capability to release loans reduced
Represents the Bank's liquidity is reduced. From the graph it is evident that SME Bank loans to deposits than 1 indicates that the SME Bank's capacity to lend less.
Liquidity of bank will be reduced, which from the bar graph is that SME Bank have loans to deposits than 1 shows that SME Bank capabilities in lending less