Presentation mattersKing Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej with Buddhism.Prosperous porn Dr. Hathaichanok Kominthonchati and hello friends involved everyone. Today I'm masturbating to tell to render to the King's Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej with Buddhism, to HM and benefit future generations to continue to. Ego which is strongly divided kho as follows:Clause 1 your interest in Buddhism. ": "His Majesty hath render to practice Buddhism completely since died at an 80th birthday as he ever know enough in listening to a sermon that has regularly lobbed in a Royal charity which initiates and Tomb. The reign of the 8th, though a few isolated long enough to castigate the Royal heart pine started listening in Buddhism when he meet Maha Thera adults. It has to listen to Dhamma text shape and 1207 are habitually in particular had a chance the temple Lord. Wat bowonniwet Vihara Had to listen to sermon occasionally ever since. He puts in, and pine in Buddhism. "Section 2 Act to motive his heart.When his Majesty hath close Temple Lord Luang vajira Mystics Wong. To have the knowledge, and he has more faith in Buddhism. So it is one of the star force, a Royal Decree causing heart and delight perfect faith that God is in his temple. "For monarchs of the Chakri dynasty in the past by many stretched his shape before he came, but for the treasures uncovered thawan yarat ape his Majesty he present his deliverer. When he came to the uncovered treasure yarat thawan then monkeys. Why is that? "It is because of "monarchs of the Chakri Royal family in the past, most stretched his shape before he came to the uncovered treasure yarat thawan unless the Monkey King Rama 5, which then stretched his shape, because he came to the throne when the occasion arrives, his Majesty King Rama vi, 9, it has uncovered a monkey at an occasion when yarat thawan as well."Clause 3 Act of his Buddhist faith.Ego image is a feeling that the monks and his Majesty the King will get his priesthood by tradition only. But his priesthood with Royal faith commitment to Buddhism truly. Not a person class that is called "new head". Do not see religion as a priority, but he saw the value of God's religion.So if a person extraordinary is said to be "ordained" priesthood with faith because he Act faith contains the wisdom and practice discipline strictly. "As the Supreme Patriarch of Thailand Somdet Phra sangharaja sphere says "when I visited in the temple and outside the Temple will not put King to attend celebrations with the naked King everywhere had completely different routine and keeps time when the chimes in the chapel each morning down the evening at 08.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs, it will come as soon as Church makes all the temple monks took time, strictly has to hold a meeting in a church before, there will be time to attend public Church comes every morning at fao come evening daily are many.The monks and his Majesty have studied discipline he sample the Royal heart to strand the essence the essence of Buddhism truly. ดังเช่น ม.ร.ว.คึกฤทธิ์ ปราโมช ผู้ปฏิบัติหน้าที่เป็นไวยาวัจกรวัดในคราวนั้น ซึ่งเป็นหน้าที่อยู่ปฏิบัติสนองพระเดชพระคุณตลอดเวลาที่ทรงพระผนวชอยู่ ได้แสดงทางวิทยุกระจายเสียงในคราวหนึ่งในระยะนั้นว่า “ พระภิกษุพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัวทรงเข้าพระราชหฤทัยในธรรมะ ดังที่ได้แสดงไว้เป็นหมวดๆ ในนวโกวาทตั้งแต่ทุกหมวด 2 เป็นต้น ซึ่งเมื่ออ่านดูเป็นหมวดๆ ไปแล้วก็จะสับสน แต่ก็ได้ทรงเข้าพระราชหฤทัยว่าสรุปลงได้ในหลักแห่งไตรสิกขา คือ ศีล สมาธิ ปัญญา และก็ถือเทียบได้กับแนวปฏิบัติทางตะวันตก แนวศีลก็เท่ากับจริยธรรม แนวสมาธิก็เท่ากับ จิตวิทยา แนวปัญญาก็เท่ากับ ปรัชญา แนวศีล สมาธิ ปัญญา ทางพระพุทธศาสนานั้นถูกต้องลึกซึ้งยิ่งนัก” Also in the benefits to the public "At this time he has his strategy is useful because many make Buddhism appear. those who are nationals of Thailand and foreigners were not interested in Buddhism it back. it is believed that he patronized Buddhism, both directly and indirectly, the barkeep of the patron of Buddhism that, compared to the main altar, which has two operating the worship is the worship and amit it's engaging to see whether done by foster with a patron who is outside, one with a meditation in Buddhism is one.The monks and his Majesty have done full of both. He is in his own practice in 10 virtues of strict and always. "Ask him to go to heaven, and God is in the hearts of the people, long fouled Pracha forever.Hobbies, namely the Lord chotphaloCoed Ph.d. in philosophy.Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
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