Leaning tower of Pisa Plaza Hotel is the Church Bell Tower. Construction started from August 1948. 1173 and continued for approximately two hundred years. Without changing the original building (note, stop the construction of a long span twice). Not exactly who is the architect who designed
.In the past, believed to be the cause of this Chamber is due to intentional creation, but today we know that it is not. Hall has been designed to be "straight up" (although this is not the Chamber of Commerce. But the construction is initiated between
.Because of the way that is not set straight, including the leaning tower of Pisa. Cause this place Gets the attention of people, specially since years. R. 1173 until now during construction. An attempt was made to prevent leaning tower to another by using the special tool, and insert the antenna into the new and changed to remove some of the damaged Tower. At present, there are still attempts to stop leaning tower. Leaning tower of Pisa to be located here for a long time and for a long time
.From this entire lecture that he probably enough to make a "code" amazing "year of leaning tower Plaza, which is the reaction that has continued with the ground of the Tower, it is. At present. This is a lasting monument to remain.
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