P7: 14 SCG Expat Working in 3 years, years in Vietnam. back then, and the original work per Participant. Explain that the SCG ASEAN expansion policy and leading the company's value page expat me to implement at a subsidiary in a foreign country. Local staff. There are two 1) Direct Hire is hired directly, so it is very easy to ngakhao with corporate culture 2) M&A (Mergers and acquisitions) are the original culture is expat needs to help him into the corporate culture what has been. Note: the participant is quite think of the progress in a career so much as what the participant gets is a chance to grow into a better one executives basung, know how to approach adults, knowledge of Government and people of Viet Nam cooperative rasot have evolved to rely on ourselves.Informed that the Participant has been selected because of the personality knowledge, project initiator. Note: there is a relatively high independent participant may with prior to the long term. Lastly he has over the past two years, klap, before getting the position, it is familiar with the environment and well-being and its work for a long time I have knowledge that it has confidence in itself is quite a company training course on the culture, language, because the company has a policy of sending sakhanok to expat.Spices are then required to prepare those who are. PotentialManager task: Deal with government procurement, tax support regards HCN. Viet Nam peoples behavior is very familiar with the Gentiles the SCG as a culture, but the brothers with Viet Nam will become a head, but there are problems with communication, English for business, but the main problem, เวีด Niang is communicating with the Government because they require interpretation and are not sure whether or not the interpreter will translate very well. Working against time and think of home,
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