addition of hop extract and ethanol. Plateswere stored upside down in a sealed container at 4 °C until used (plates stored up to 10 days gave comparable results). As with the broth cultures in microwell plates, a range of BU and ethanol were tested.
addition of hop extract and ethanol. plateswere stored upside down in a sealed container at 4 ° c until used (plates stored up to 10 days gave comparable results). as with the broth cultures in microwell plates, a range of bu and ethanol were tested.
addition of hop extract and ethanol. Plateswere stored upside down in a sealed container at 4 °C until used (plates stored up to 10 days gave comparable results). As with the broth cultures in microwell plates, a range of BU and ethanol were tested.
addition of hop extract and ethanol. Plateswere stored upside down in a sealed container at 4 °C until used (plates stored up to 10 days gave comparable results) .As with the broth cultures in microwell plates, a range of BU and ethanol were tested.