-Study the market factors that are associated with the satisfaction of tourists brought to us repeatedly, it is caused by the beauty and diversity of the natural landscape. Environment, weather, tourist attractions, activities, strengthen publicity of every channel. Parking sufficient and appropriate. There are shops selling food and drink sufficient amounts. To listen to the opinions and assessment system satisfaction of tourists to adjust. When analyzing the impact of the size the market factors that affect the return visit of tourists. It was found that the marketing expenses (5.93) influence the most tourists.4 the potential factors:-the management of the employment side attractions and services to produce agricultural and handicrafts. The revenue of the community, it was found that the more people in the community with a length of time lived in the community longer to make the community a potential in the development of these four aspects. It also found that tourism can also cause the development of village. People in the local community, bringing output to come, visitors and tourists make the people in the community have increased revenue.
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