In the first attempt in 1983-1987, his Majesty, he recommends using a water well in relief of wastewater, which is known as the "poor hydration bile," he said. Another way involves using water hyacinth, water plants and waste water filtering in assorted where his Majesty, he is called "the evil overwhelming evil," he said. It has the ability to mitigate and efficiently in order to solve the problem in one level. At the same time, his Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej has been designed artifacts that will help to improve water quality in the water source. His Majesty hath used local methods of the locals called "turbine" is an invented Air Purifier, which is a simple but highly effective in treating wastewater with satisfactory results. Artifacts that are known under the name "victory turbine development." His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej graciously consented to finish development of turbine will be patented under his name and the patent issued in 1993 February 2 is the world's ninth Air Purifier received patent registrations for the patent resulting from the intention of the King to act as a good example, Thai people aware of the importance of intellectual property registration and methods of using our intelligence to useful purposes.
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