Hydrogen gas has a volume of 1 dm3 there is a density of 0.09 g/dm3 in 1 minute timeout shalt spread calculates the time gas, ammonia, which has a volume of 1 dm3 density 0.71 g/dm3 spread same downturns.
Hydrogen gas has a volume of 1 dm3 density of 0.09 g / dm3 spread out in one minute Calculate the ammonia gas, which has a volume of 1 dm3 density of 0.71 g / dm3 spread the same condition.
Hydrogen volume 1 DM3 density 0.09 g / dm3 spread out in time 1 minutes. And calculate the time gas ammonia which is 1 DM3 volume density 0.71 g / dm3 spread in same conditions.