Captain Jack maneuver lure the cannibals to buy time to eat will out. The cannibal took captive in cages will realize กร้อ bone. Combined with you and เรือกิ Gippsland sailor can be eaten. Governor Swann to Elizabeth out of prison. But on the way, trying to escape on the boat. The soldiers of East Indian Navy came to prevent it. Governor Swann has been arrested. But Elizabeth escaped, and to negotiate with the Lord back get forgiveness will and themselves. In exchange for Jack's compass. Elizabeth is heading to Erica immediately. The woven RA Getty and pin battle, two men's confidant, Captain ebabo's original crew Pearl Plaza Break prison escape from Port Royal. As the two are พายเรือบด at sea. Both the Black Pearl was found washed up on the beach on the island. The pirates both was hoping to steal the Black Pearl
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