1.Help increase the ability and skill in typing, children begin to play the game from never touch the keyboard, never learn the typewriter. But everyone can type fluently after the game.2. Training plan for type game plan and planning to play in the game in general, since to choose a character, plan to find a place or scene. To level to suit, because if the level and keep in the scene less difficult, not...And to cap in the scene
qualified or fighting with monsters. Will make the level faster, we better faster
3.Trained teamwork and known line, because each character has featured or is great different, such as career merchant. It will fight well, but are dominant in trade, buy cheap!The fighter is dominant in fighting career, have patience to the cavalry to friends
.4.Make a new friend, what a good friendship. The online game is a game to play with others, it must adapt the greeting to make new friends. Children need to know to greet others first.
.5.Training helps behave according to rules of the society. Every game, there are rules etiquette rules belong to each game. If will look good. The rules as the laws of the game. Do not hurt me, if you hurt others to death. You'll get everyone in society game.But good item in will fall too. But in the rules as social rules have who discriminate. But players who violate the rules of thought that is in the same direction, it will be seen as a bad guy. Be condemning.
.6. Help to practice meditation. The game can practice meditation for us as well
7.Please practice the relationship between hand and eye, prudence, because to play two game but to rely on meditation. Also practice the relationship between looking and keystrokes, and need to be carefully and keep the details.
.8.Please practice patience. Some effort in the game, it is not easy to live effort, because it requires time and keep details, players must have patience and perseverance. For example, do quests, or the mission to be assigned.Promoted
.9. Help inspire a game developer. Many players who play games and ideas, have their own game, want to learn computer and game developers. Or do เอนิ animation, which is considered to be the spark is a good start
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