My, LoveI completely understand your predicament and how hard it must be for you.I am sorry for disturbing you, with this I see you as Charles' s mother now I guess, that is why I thought to ask for your. Help. And I can assure you I would, not ask for your help if this wasn 't important and if I didn' t consider you as, family. I would never have asked if I didn 't need it. And it took a whole of courage to ask you for this.A friend at home has promised to lend me $700 he says, he will send it to me first thing in this morning. I will send it. Back to him as soon as I arrive in Bangkok and can use my credit cards.I am now in need of $500 only. If I can get that everything will be alright.Please send whatever you have it will, go along way in getting me out of this mess. I will pay back as soon as I arrive. On Thailand.I have currently run out of options and I am still trying all my best to get this. I have asked the Doctor to allow me. Sign an "I Owe You" document but he, is so adamant saying that it is the hospital policy for patients to settle their bills. Before they are discharged.I am tired and confused. Please I really need your help Please try, to get this funds for me and any other funds you need. And I will pay back everything as soon as we arrive in Thailand. I am sorry for asking you, about this I just have to because. I have no other choice and please look for some that can lend you the money and I promised to pay you back in double as. Soon as I as arrive in Thailand and I believe and I believe and trust, in youJust love me and I love you also.I love you always.
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