BUENA, PARK Calif. - Yamaha Corporation of America announces the United States debut of the B1 Acoustic, Upright Piano. The most affordable instrument in Yamaha "s acoustic piano line. A favorite in Japanese and European households, for years. The Continental style B1 is designed for maximum performance incorporating exceptional craftsmanship space-conscious design,,, And high-quality sound at a wallet-friendly price.According to Yamaha Acoustic Piano Marketing Manager, Ed Bezursik the U.S. Market is primed for B1 "s winning combination. Of looks value and, quality. "In, recent years European-style cars such as, the revived Fiat and, Mini-Cooper brands have. Captured the imagination of American consumers, "said Bezursik." For, piano lovers the new B1 likewise meets those demands. With style offering exceptional, sound quality and superior materials. "The sturdy contemporary design features back posts for, added strength while the specially designed soundboard and high-grade. Hammers endow the B1 with an unrivalled richness and sound depth for a 43 "piano. Yamaha "s renowned pure clear tone and,,, Easy, to play responsive keyboard touch make this upright ideal for beginning piano students.Ideal for, small spaces the B1 Continental upright measures 43 inches high with a width and depth of 58 ¼ "and, 21 ¼". Respectively.Seasoned specifically for the U.S. Market the B1, features a laminated soundboard that minimizes soundboard cracking. Yamaha. Reinforces the crown of its soundboard to ensure that the tone quality will remain consistent for years.Yamaha "s patented Extruded Aluminum Alloy Action Rail eliminates the common fluctuations in wood and metal, encased rails. That, affect touch allowing for a more stable long-lasting action, regulation. Yamaha only uses select Spruce for the keys. On all models of pianos. Like all, Yamaha pianos the B1 offers Uniform Key Travel to ensure that regardless, of size type. Or model Yamaha keyboards, will always feel the same.Finally the B, Series offers a Balanced Action. Each key of a Yamaha piano is individually weighted allowing all, keys. To play uniformly ensuring a, lifetime of superior touch and control across the entire keyboard.Additional products in the line - the B2 and B3 - will make their debut at the Winter NAMM 2013 trade show, in Anaheim. California. Available in an elegant polished, ebony finish the B1 upright carries an MSRP of, $4 499.For more information about Yamaha products write Yamaha, Corporation, of America P.O. Box 6600 Buena Park CA 90622-6600;,,, Call (714) 522-9011; email infostation@yamaha.com; or visit http: / / 4wrd.it / YAMAHAUSA.
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