2. Cambodia
kingdom of Cambodia
location: Cambodia is located in the center of Southeast Asia Thailand and Laos borders the north by East on Vietnam, Thailand in the West and south by the Gulf of Thailand
Area: the area all 181 035 square kilometers, or about the size of 3 1 in Thailand The Maginot line around the country, approximately 2 000 kilometers The Maginot line long contact with Thailand 798 km
population: 14 capital: Phnom Penh805 358 people, composed of the Khmer 94% Chinese 4% and others 2%
climate: hot, humid, rainy season long, the average temperature 20 - 36 degrees Celsius Language:
Khmer is the official language, the language used in general, including Britain, France, Vietnam, China and Thailand
Religion: the national religion Theravada Buddhism regime:
A parliamentary democracy The king as head of state under the constitution
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