Psychological theory relating to differences between individuals with a variety of mainly.Often a theory on personality, which can recognize a large group 2 is a group that discusses development of.Theoretical analysis of mind, personality, (Freudian and Neo-Freudians), the best one is the theory.Describing personality as expressed (Trait), without mentioning the development of personality.The personality theories that are discussed in this chapter will be a theory in the group after mainly to participants.Understand the basic concepts in the analysis of a person's personality and differences which affect.Direct work. In addition to the personality, another important factor that makes people different is.In accordance with requirements and capabilities of each person. Talent is the ability to recognize.About the thinking processes (Cognitive Ability), as well as the quickness of mind intelligence (IQ) and emotional maturity.(EQ) and physically (Physical Ability), as well as in accordance with its particular (Aptitude).Differently in each person.
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