My heart felt sad..Many people may have heard the words that the heartbroken and then sad. Feel like heartbreak, that sounds may then be thought of as words or may be one of the people to see things broken, but in a scientific explanation of the causes of this symptom and symptoms feel like you heartbroken may be more harm than you think!.Before I talk about the constant must heartbroken talk about love first because in the mornings there is love, the brain will secrete a substance dopamine (Dopamine), which makes people satisfaction. Focus on substance, toluene oxidation (Oxytocin), which has the duty to reduce stress and mind feel warm to someone who has corresponded with the substance sit dofin (Endorphin) that makes people feel happy, forget the pain, so much so that we feel good when there is love..But ultimately, when the heartbroken, disappointed by love come up. Stress hormone (Cortisol), including goalkeeper Carlo and epinephrine (Adrenaline), which is the hormone that press working of the brain. Typically, when present in the tense, or conditions that felt themselves in danger will come out from the adrenal gland secretions, and sends signals to the brain..The hormone epinephrine, Sol The muscles of the body needs more blood to Section of the hormone epinephrine will cause the heart to work harder to pump blood to the body. Usually, the two compounds are useful for stimulating the body to work with maximum efficiency to cope with dangers such as we may see people carrying heavy loads for overload when the fire..Although the two compounds cause the body to survive from external dangers but if dangerous within the us itself. We do not need the power to survive the hazard style outside will cause pain in the heart, because a heart after all that hard work the body did not have heavy use causes heart-broken when sad or..Such symptoms. In the so-called "medical syndrome Heartbreak" (Broken Heart Syndrome), or it may be the way that "broken" by the disease have reported the first discovery, 1990 in Asia, which may cause people to die, just like heart disease..How to relieve symptoms include heartbreak basic brain secrete substances to sit outside, and how you got dofi makes it shed Fyn Endor thought, but anyone can do it, including crying. The laugh Workout. Meditating, doing things you like..Therefore, if a heart breakdown, it don't sink on it for very long. After crying out until you try and stand up and then try to do something yourself, then don't forget about their own health care, good. Tell yourself that "to be nobody loves no one take care of us but at least we still love and care for yourself.".Story by รักต์ศ"Don't forget to open the notifications.In order to receive health information continuously every day.By clicking on the top portion of the Facebook Like Herb Plus.And press the get alerts (notifications Get) ".# Herb # Sad. # Heart-----------------------------------------------------------------------------.My his Braini naturalist here.Improved memory in 2 weeks.Nourishes the brain to its full performance.Suitable forWorking-age adults, increasing the ability to think and decide.Younger added ability to remember.The elderly add memory and prevent Alzheimer's disease (Alzheimer)--An important component —Korea ginseng: helps nerve cells strong.Ganoderma lucidum: wash the excess fat clogs the nerve tract.Cracker Kui: optimization of blood circulation in the brain for the better.Seasoned cookies:--------------------------------------------------------------------
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