-Refers. Reversing environmental courses law No. 29/issue based Posted December 18 2012-Refers. The Prime Minister's speech on the environmental impact assessment Convention No. 112/นย.Posted February 16 2010-Refers to an order of the State electrical enterprises in Laos branch road, Bo kaeo issue No. 5341/fafon land.2014 October 22.The Department of natural resources and environment, agreed:1. the preliminary study report signed approval regarding the environmental and social impact issue October 2014 construction project of high voltage transmission line 115 kV power station and Nantong city power station and Huay-Huay Sai, Bo kaeo.2. to develop the project in accordance with the following criteria:G be responsible directly to the education and information that have been defined in the preliminary study report about the impacts on the environment and environmental protection plans. In the case of environmental impacts and social development occurred that did not study in the protection plan. The project developer is responsible for measures to further reduce the impact and solve them with a guarantee that the budget is sufficient.ข. substitute for property damage and other land of the people affected by the project implementation by law compliance strictly on the basis of consultation and agreed between those affected with the developer of the project.C. give attention to the establishment of compliance measures to prevent and reduce the environmental impact such as to what remainder dust problems of soil erosion, water quality, etc., which need to be resolved, based on technical knowledge and limited areas of waste treatment, is in an area that is defined to be the smallest impact occurred.Discography. After construction finished. The owner of a project to improve the environment and restoration of the environment affected by the project to construction, to usable condition.Operational reporting, measures to prevent and correct environmental impact and social projects. Submitted to the Department of natural resources and the environment, as well as the relevant authorities. Every 3 month, 6 month and annual report.This certificate is valid from the date signed, etc.Deputy Head of the Department of natural resources and the environment,At the pool of the Sri Chiang Mai
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