God Bush effusively เรง brought an army to invade Krung Si Ayutthaya, by the rule of King is a pile of meat after the battle God Bush administration Treasury เรง effusively pitched surrounded Bangkok is not just
The Ayutthaya was once know that cities in the north of Burma and then prepare the gun battle in the town of a god to the armed forces, army girl elephant, horse fell many Burma to withdrawBurma is trying to make a bridge across the ditch city by land, and brought up as a bridge and the captain kept a checkpoint can be fully used by Thai Military gun carriage Burmese army land cover as a bridge to come to Burma fell so many back to back across the ditch
God Bush เรง Godoy, a long time, it is also my grandmother's attack is not in Ayutthaya and lost a lot of troops during the war Her Majesty the Emperor of great consolation of his reign, His Majesty King มหินทร์ command and fight for
God, she was so good to be devising Phraya Chakri Shrewsbury is a war, so the rule of King had to persuade Phraya Chakri, is a spy in Ayutthaya, and pretended to go free.And it came to pass after Phraya Chakri has been appointed to the position maintain Bangkok, then rotate the action of the Parties until the Phra Nakhon weak defense.and it was successful for the Burmese to Bangkok, it takes just 1 months
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