The use of language in advertising
.Advertising language is the need to attract the attention of the audience. Advertisers often invented words, English idioms strange new, the advertising is always to call the attention of the buyer. Meanwhile, advertising must use language easily.Compact concise clear, interesting, up-to-date, quick voice touch rhyme, easily recognizable by the new words. Always
.Magic expert prakhon (2550, P. 48-50) discusses the advertising language it can be summarized as follows:
.Advertising language is a language that aims to convince to receiver change and action characteristics of languages so colorful. Emphasize emotion by using different language levels in the same text. Most of the official and semi-official.
1. Attention is the choice of language is easy, gentle, stimulate the sense of customer
2. ให้ความกระจ่าง customers
a language is simple clear to mention the quality of a product or service
3. Ensuring
.Reference data for various customers confidence
4. Provoking decision
is the use of words to the consumers decide to buy goods or services as soon as possible
the university to discuss the artificial garments, (2550Page 17) discusses the use of advertising language, can be summarized as follows:
1. Use short sentences compact
not too long or short. Don't use words or text. Lavish unnecessary but read to comprehension immediately
2.There are clear
.Not ambiguous in advertising texts. The words that the receivers read or heard. Without doubt. In order to be able to answer the questions that expect audiences want to know can avoid using words, phrases, or for stylistic message.Or can be interpreted in many ways, or can be interpreted multiple meaning
3. Language is read or listen. Easy to understand and describe the benefits of products
.May have used language different from the structures in Thai. That is not attached to the Thai grammar. Too much to fit the needs of different target groups in age, occupation and sex.Don't insists on using the novelty, but alone. The language is commonly used as a good thing if used properly. Because it is a familiar things, as well. But be careful not to the audience feel is the language, rude
ridge ทนี merit no DOK, save Siri ชุณห bond guard and sirima Chiang Chow Wai (driver charged, P. 100-101) said the principles of writing text ads As follows:
1.To make the receivers of the eye-catching strike (attention) by may use words, language effect immediately, it makes people want to listen to or read the next message
2.To stimulate the interests cause to receivers (interest) work ads must be made, the receivers was interested in the message immediately
3.To create a desire to occur to the receiver (desire) advertising to create good feelings To the audience's needs to use the product. Born in
4 consumption needs.In order to practice (action) advertising must be able to convince the audience have progressed. The decision to purchase
caution in the use of language for advertising, are as follows:
1.Use ordinary language, simple, gentle, easy to understand young graceful slate, invited interested
2. Use the words language exactly means required. In accordance with the culture of the language 3
.Use the words language correctly. Do not use slang language, woe, or words from standard
4. Using education according to pattern. Don't use words that cut. The short or known only group
5.Don't use words with ambiguous meaning understand สองแง่สองมุม Michelia. Words hurt
6. Don't use words academic or technical vocabulary unnecessary
7. Should use proper words with tact and individuals. Not bad not defame others
9.Don't use language gripping and advertising over the truth. An insult intelligence receivers.
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