Location: Myanmar is located at latitude 28 degrees at 10 to 30 degrees in addition to 20 a minute over the terrain, located along the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea make a long coastal reach 2000 miles and has a beautiful beach and Virgin's oldest city. Myanmar has border in northwest India and Bangladesh and adjacent to the North-East, adjacent to Tibet and China. The eastern section is adjacent to Laos and adjacent southern Thai Jewelry shape like a kite with tail around its Mammoth Mountain is a large and fertile hills with forests. There are many high peaks along the mountains of Myanmar and has several peaks higher than 10000 feet along the Himalayan frontier to the North of Myanmar adjacent to Tibet is the highest mountain in Southeast Asia, "HA Ka Ka Bora z" 19314 lower vertical feet from him, these are the most rapkwang inside Myanmar territory, including the arid zone of central Myanmar and eating large Plains are also triangular area near the mouth of the Ayeyarwady River, the fertile stretches down towards the South is a large khaokwang na, as there is no end.
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