Crate of independence from Spain. It has agreed to name a new country, this is the name of the capital. Mexico City Whose original name was that in those days. "Mexico - Camps Bay Yacht smack" (Mexico-Tenochtitlan) is derived from the name of a Mexican tribe check (Mexica), a major ethnic group in the state of civilization Azteca fried one. The Mexican origins of the name check is not known. There are many ways to interpret that presumption. The word comes from the language of the mail that "Shemesh Li" (Mextli) or "Chit Lee's" (Mēxihtli), which is the secret name of God Whitby Sea Beach Li Lo Po. (Huitzilopochtli), the god of war and protector of the Azteca State. (Mexicans or check) in this case Mēxihco [Chico's] so it could be translated. "The place where the mesh Li dwells" [10] Another hypothesis says that Mēxihco composed of the word mētztli ("Moon"), xictli ("navel", "center" or "son") and words. Factors -co (place), which is then translated to the overall. "The heart of the Moon" or "place of the heart of the Lake Moon" Moon Lake, this means Venkatesh Gogo Lake (Lake Texcoco) system connecting the lake. (The Lake Cortez Gogo is now Central) in this area is shaped like a rabbit. Which is the same as the Azteca station saw the moon. And in Gothenburg Yacht smack Alan is located on the island center (or navel) of the lake (or rabbit / moon) These fit [11] There is also the assumption that the name is derived from the word "Mesa. The Li "(Mēctli), which is the name of the goddess of agave (maguey) with [11] the name of the city's Chico received a transcript in Spanish as México with the sound of the x in the Spanish Middle Ages. At that time, the Fricative. Do not pile the alveolar / ʃ /, but later in the 16th century, including fricative sound. After the gum, Echo / ʒ /, which is represented by j has evolved into a Fricative ceiling light wood pile / x / [12] to change the sound that letter makes this possible spellings of the name, this country is Méjico in. Spanish publication, especially in Spain. But in Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries still use the traditional spelling is México until a few years ago. Spanish Royal Academy The agency regulates the use of Spanish in Spain was convicted. Both spellings are acceptable in Spanish. But the spell was a pattern over México [13] Currently, the majority of publications in all Spanish speaking countries was held under the new rules. Although there is some way to use Méjico [14] for the English word x in Mexico does not replace the original audio or sound current as shown in Spanish. But the cluster / ks /.
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