Work v-5 The vow has never had the steering wheel then, ' that's $ 5000-gu, Jung-gu, bids for PC!!!!! to sleep shift, ' Hey who needs an excuse the damn. Buffalo win .. ' I paid 6,0 $ gu. 2 billion more than the rest, ' I ask, that's when gu gu, stores. And then, ' what do you put this damn damn evil bad-Buffalo and then damn, people listen, and then have the cheek to just stupid, evil speaking-so.I ask, ' chiphai Gu curse a lot, both died. .... Point incense curse maeng ..... If not, my sister introduced me to shift fingt, Jung-gu, Jung-gu, to tell me ... the flaming anyone who put a terrorist who. Prison because of drug delivery across the country, the evil worms that friends do it its bad prison and du. ... It's a spicy mouth shoulder daman? Play emotional level. Before gu
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