Industrial activities generate great quantities of effluents that
might contain high concentrations of heavy metals. Despite. The advances in pollution control techniques metals can, be released to
the environment through the effluents of numerous. Industries such
as the fabrication of automobiles fertilizers paints,,,, batteries and
electroplating and metallurgical. Industries 1 2 [,].These discharges
cause the accumulation of metallic ions at concentrations toxic for
the environment causing the, loss. Of agricultural land and creating
a problem of public health [3].
The metallurgical process of the mining industry involves. A series of extraction and purification techniques that result in the disposal of metals into the environment through what. Is known as
.Acid mine drainage (DAM). A clear example of heavy metal contamination in M é xico is the San Pedro river which originates,, Near the town, of Cananea Sonora known for, having some of the most
exploited mining districts of the 4 state []. This river. Is considered
the principal source of water supply for municipal and agricultural
activities but water, studies have detected. High concentrations of
.Metals such as copper and iron sulfates and, low pH [5].
Several methods have been used in water treatments to remove heavy. Metals such, as: chemical, precipitation electrodialysis reverse osmosis, and ultrafiltration. However these methods, are
expensive. And / or generate excessive amounts of residual sludge.
, ThusThere exists a need of finding low cost and efficient alternatives for heavy metal removal. One alternative that has been
largely. Studied in past years, is biosorption based on the ability
of biomass to bind and concentrate metal ions. Biosorption has
several. Advantages over the methods, previously mentioned such
as: low cost minimal residual, sludge possibility of metal recovery,,Simple operation and high, removal efficiencies from dilute
solutions [,]. 6 7
Selection of biomass as potential biosorbent. Is a key step
of biosorption since most, biological materials have affinity toward metal ions. Generally the goal, is for. Biomass to have large
scale applications so the, main factors taken into account during selection are price and availability.Bacterial biomass has been successfully used as biosorbent and can, be obtained in great quantities from industrial residues. Such as alcoholic fermentation and
at very low cost [,]. On 1 8 the, other hand immobilized biomass
offers many applications. And advantages over free or suspended
biomass including easy, biomass regeneration and solid - liquid separation [9].
.Acidogenic biomass immobilized in clinoptilolite has shown
promising results during continuous biosorption of copper and. Iron
[], but 10 the equilibrium and kinetics of the biosorption process remains unknown. Furthermore wastewater treatments,, Plants generally deal with metal mixtures but research, has largely focused
on single metal, Thus sorption.The aim of this work was to establish the biosorption kinetics of Cu (II) and Fe (II) by acidogenic.
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