Khon Kaen is a city with a long history if you look past the. Save the historical evidence appears that 2340 (1797) There are approximately 330 people team, led by Thao Pur cheese Pan migrated from cities to ban lon. City Road, Sydney (current district may be et) have selected Chaiyaphum Bon (old houses, amphur Muang, Khon Kaen) is a large community area without permission and raised as a Prince of Nakhon Ratchasima, Khon Kaen from town. Phraya Nakhon Ratchasima has a tell to Rattanakosin. The reign of King Buddha FA male kite raised Royal command as a global ban bueng Kaen town when Bon-2340 (1797) Rank, which is a classic, just classic area cities hosted the first pan-the city, the name Phra Nakhon SI to keep loyal Royal Kingdom. The name probably comes from the word "Khon Kam Kam naughty naughty, which is located in the district share the water. Khon Kaen Khon Kaen away from the area to the East. Approx. 26 km classic Pur city Pan had the name Kham Kaen is a sacred name to name the city that Khon Kaen Khon Kaen, so everything can be considered when the city was subsequently 2340 (1797) when Phra Nakhon SI borirak (PUR city Pan) to city officials who die. The city has several times from the evacuation have migrated to house thousands of Bon-Chad (the current home city Nhon province, kosum phisai t. expensive? Fashionable House bom, ban non, old houses, flooding houses, secret banphra, amphur Muang, Khon Kaen, and finally to the old house (bung Bon) mueang Khon Kaen Province today.
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