Hidden political science information. Family Menispermaceae Tinospora crispa (L.), scientific name Miers ex Hook.f. The name of Thailand boraphet Local name-chung is a monkey (who)- Ho chung him, Wangfujing network (Northern) chetmun thorns (Khai), chetmun vehicles, the cars head Duan (Sara), tail (Sara Ubon Ratchathani) [8] Official botanical characteristics. Wood saw up to 15 m long, solid transportation trunk are blister; There is a white long bitterness. There is a long thread-like roots air. The sort merge single switch typically heart shape oval or round, w 6-12 (-24) cm long, 7-14 (-25) cm long, tapering cone headland at the end of a deep or shallow I know heart shape. Some of the sheet-like body, usually with a flat bottom are sometimes found by Bishop prong of the glandular leaves. The line from Bishop a surgical tool, there are 3-5 and another branch of the line 1-3 pairs of long-leaf stem 5-15 (-30) cm, swollen flesh, and as customers. A bouquet of flowers by kae without a limb, usually flowering when the rebound out. There are 2-3 small bunches of 2-4 mm long, slender petals colored a soft outer circle with a แขียว feast 3 cloves thick oval that Bishop long has had 3 petals 1-NN1D5 mm oval back with a long stem and petals, or 3-4 hairs mm petal petals petals only has 3 growing up the outer circle. Picture the long, narrow, flat, there are no blister hokklap 2 mm section picture had reduced petals gaysorn has long-standing male 6 female flowers bouquet 2 mm 2-6 cm long knife chest, caused by the single-prong female flower. Petals is similar to petals and flower fake male with male, gaysorn is 6 long 1 mm narrow wedge shaped gaysorn female with 2 mm long, and 3 oval female pool gaysorn amount very short. As a result, Cho With a bouquet of long stem 1.5-2 cm wide with a Center stick is an image pyramid South 2-3 mm long, down into petals tribe adhere. 2 mm long, oval, curved back, the result of fresh orange 2 cm long ellipsoid wall shelf in white ellipsoid effect width 7-9 mm long, 13 mm 11-little crinkles or nearly flat. The top side is clear in San. Have a small oval shaped opening at the top [8] A single sort order-current switching are often oval or heart shape round mm, width 6-12 (-24) cm long, 7-14 (-25) cm long, tapering cone headland at the end of a deep or shallow I know heart shape. Some of the sheet-like body, usually with a flat bottom are sometimes found by Bishop prong of the glandular leaves. The line from Bishop a surgical tool, there are 3-5 and another branch of the line 1-3 pairs of long-leaf stem 5-15 (-30) cm, swollen flesh, and as customers. A flower, a flower, a bouquet by Beijing are often not there kae flowering when the rebound out. There are 2-3 small bunches of 2-4 mm long, slender petals colored a soft outer circle with a แขียว feast 3 cloves thick oval that Bishop long has had 3 petals 1-NN1D5 mm oval back with a long stem and petals, or 3-4 hairs mm petal petals petals only has 3 growing up the outer circle. Picture the long, narrow, flat, there are no blister hokklap 2 mm section picture had reduced petals gaysorn has long-standing male 6 female flowers bouquet 2 mm 2-6 cm long knife chest, caused by the single-prong female flower. Petals is similar to petals and flower fake male with male, gaysorn is 6 long 1 mm narrow wedge shaped gaysorn female with 2 mm long, and 3 oval female pool gaysorn amount very short. Results the results into a bouquet With a bouquet of long stem 1.5-2 cm wide with a Center stick is an image pyramid South 2-3 mm long, down into petals tribe adhere. 2 mm long, oval, curved back, the result of fresh orange 2 cm long ellipsoid wall shelf in white ellipsoid effect width 7-9 mm long, 13 mm 11-little crinkles or nearly flat. The top side is clear in San. Have a small oval shaped opening at the top [8] Indication/use "-a bunch of glasses with a slice to eat honey or honey in fever take care (people)A drug network in conjunction with pain medications is phachensangkhat bones or frozen water would cure a cold drink, honey (City)- เครือ นำไปต้มน้ำรวมกับสะเดาใช้พ่นไล่แมลงรบกวนต้นไม้ที่ปลูก(คนเมือง) - เครือ ให้ไก่กินแก้อาการเหงาซึม(คนเมือง) เครือ ฝานเป็นแผ่น ตากแห้ง แล้วนำมาแช่ ในปัสสาวะคน ให้ไก่ชนกิน ช่วยเพิ่มพละกำลัง(คนเมือง)- ทุกส่วนของพืชใช้แก้ไข้ เป็นยาบำรุง แก้บาดทะยัก โรคดีซ่าน ยาเจริญอาหาร แก้มาลาเรีย ลำต้น ต้มดื่มเพื่ออยากอาหาร ช่วยย่อย บำรุงร่างกาย แก้มาลาเรีย แก้ไข้ เป็นยาขับเหงื่อ ดับกระหาย แก้ร้อนในดีมาก แก้อหิวาตกโรค แก้ท้องเสีย ไข้จับสั่น ใช้ภายนอกใช้ล้างตา ล้างแผลที่เกิดจากโรคซิฟิลิส ใบ เป็นยาพอกบาดแผล แก้คัน แก้ปวด พอกผี แก้ฟกช้ำ
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