Tourist attractions within sarek National Park.Tam - located on the sarek National Park. When viewed from the Mekong River, you will see a high cliff natural beauty in the cliffs. Will appear old paintings made by prehistoric man. Lined along the length of the cliff for approximately 180 meters are not less than 300 images, which is a number of quality writing color antique. As much as ever discovered in and abroad. The characteristics of the image is divided into 5 large groups, that is, did, animal pictures. Pictures hand image pattern geometry, and Bob (fishing tools of fishermen along the Mekong).- - - after cliff cliff is located in District sarek National Park. From the waterfall walk around heaven NECKLACE 3 kilometers. All the way to find the beautiful flowers, many of the cliff - cliff after project is a stone cliff that look like area, Tam And appears in ancient paintings as well. Although the painting is less. But the painting colours differently. Those interested in hiking from the waterfall Necklace heaven PHA project. Should contact the guide.- Phu coffin, is located in the park cliff point. The discovery of man inside the coffin corner stone. Sunny rain on the mountain which is not bad the casket. Understand that as the coffin of humans in the past. Part of the items inside the coffin bone and disappearing before discovered the characteristics of big coffin wood used to make up some decay naturally, but still the most.- Mountain Kham sandstone mountain is located in the District of sarek National Park, above a rocky ground smooth. Below is the appearance of old paintings. When standing on the top to see the scenery along the Mekong River. Besides A view of the forest and the river is very beautiful.* double pillar corridor is located in the park cliff point. Is a natural phenomenon. Caused by erosion of the water. The wind and the sun were rock bar set up. A stone placed adjacent to each other on a without looking like a mushroom. National Park is the pillar corridor to watch 2 points. Watch point easily before the cliff point 1 kilometers. With pillar corridor to travel north to ta.
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