Tuesday, January 12, 1937 2559 is tested to run on desktop systems Receiving basic description and demo applications to users, with the creation of three numbers is the number Receiving 16-0001, 0002, 0003-16-16 by RX28, RX29 and RX30 Curer. A total of 622 items from specific system test creation, Receiving, receipt number, the number receiving Finished wrapping of the users.-In terms of its compatibility with the business process (work point scale), the system can work in conjunction with the scale by the scale Tare cart wheels.-In terms of the performance of the system. The system is the speed in processing and responding to users quickly, no jam. -In terms of the accuracy of the data. Data processing and storage, through the program are correct. Note If the value of the weight is wrapped in drug dealing at the STEC from buying directly, without having to weigh new. To catch the key upgrade detection to Classify redundant input. The system can be made to meet the set criteria.The problems found.-Digital scale has a screen and it will go into power saving mode to be turned to start. May be a reason that causes the system to hang.Note: Receiving system development on tablet is expected from this program will be 26 by programs that are used for trading drugs wrapped in STEC.
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