I love Diabetes translation causes increased, oxidative stress which is thought to play an important role in the pathogenesis. Of various diabetic complications. However the source, of the hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress is not clear. It was. Found that the polyol pathway is the major contributor to oxidative stress in the lenses and nerves of diabetic mice.The first enzyme in, the pathway aldose reductase (AR), reduces glucose to sorbitol which is, then converted to fructose. By sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH). Transgenic mice that overexpress AR specifically in their lenses showed a significant increase. In oxidative stress when they became hyperglycemic as indicated, by a decrease in GSH and an increase in malondialdehyde. In their lenses.Introducing an SDH-deficient mutation into these transgenic mice significantly normalized the GSH and malondialdehyde. Levels. These results indicate that both enzymes of the polyol pathway contributed to hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress. In the lens. In the, wild-type mice diabetes caused a significant decrease in GSH in their sciatic nerves indicative of,, Oxidative stress.In the AR null, mutant mice diabetes did not lead to any decrease in the nerve GSH level. These results indicate that. Similar to the situation in the lens AR is, also the major contributor to hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress in the. Nerve. Although increased flux of glucose through the polyol pathway leads to diabetic lesions in both the lenses, and nerve. The mechanisms may be different.AR-induced osmotic stress seems to be the cause of diabetic cataract whereas AR-induced, oxidative stress is probably. The cause of neuronal dysfunction.
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