1. and aloe
and aloe are Khun to prevent melasma skincare to insult black dust spot acne treatment and how to use them is jelly, fresh from the painted area with a acne just 2 times a day morning - cold and let it dry without rinsing it out.as well as missing for the sensitive skin may have tried to apply the Jelly Belly's arm before they are allergic to or not
2. red onion
The red onion fresh aroma will be combined with volatile substances and various features which are help stop bacteria causes of acne help is to bring fresh red onion, sliced bring a magnifying glass, or smash some light tap water leak from the onions brought some painted.acne marks, it will be gradually fading away soon
3. lemon juice lemon juice work
by the shift to the skin cells die, and then went out to help create the flexibility to your skin pores and can also help you pay for your skin feel can be used with light refreshments and painted and drink
How to use lemon juice acne treatment begins with lemon juice 1 teaspoon of squeezing small cups and use a cotton swab dipped in lemon juice and wet, but if you feel it may be too raw water mixed up. Then he washed his face, and then the clean water with lemon juice, mix, and then sign on acne.For those of you that make-up may be painted over again before you make-up mirror, but if you feel that it was too much water with lemon juice with water, even if it has been diluted to leave it 10 minutes and then rinse it out with cold water, this is the way to take 2
lemon juice lemon juice In addition, we can also be used to cure acne by drinking, there is a formula 2, formula 1,
1 lemon juice mixed with water 16 oz (480 ml) mixed drink all day
formula 2 1 lemon juice mixed with water 8 oz (240 ml) was the first thing in the morning to drink of the day, and after drinking water with lemon juice, and to refrain from eating or drinking anything, it is 30 minutes walk to lemon juice cleanses our body
4.ripe mango
mango is a fruit that has a weak acid, can help in the skin, we can bring a cell relay ripe mango, use to resolve the problem. How to use acne is to bring 1 ripe mango, gene until thick liquid, and then add lemon juice half table spoon whiting 1 to 4 tablespoons of honey and ateaspoon of genetically modified organisms, then it was all over again, and, in the process, and apply it all over his face leave it for about 15 minutes before you wash it out with clean water
In addition, we also have to solve acne problems using ripe mango. How to prevent acne is to use meat, use lemon juice 1 ripe mango half teaspoon of curry paste and blend well with whiting 1 in 4 tablespoons of curry paste blend together until thick liquid and bring it over the whole surface.Leave it for about 15 minutes and then rinse off with clean water will help solve the problem and acne melasma facial skin will be smooth white light than age
5. Bua Bok
There are extracted in the Bua Bok of brass in the fight against the infection and allergic to help protect your skin healing scars and reduce the build-up of bacteria. How to use is to bring the Bua Bok mix powder, water, dry, and then rinse it out to cover the points or blackhead remover
6. Shell the mangosteen
Peel the mangosteen, known to be a number of reasons: Khun the drug also has a brass, to reduce the inflammation of acne bacteria and inhibit how to use skins is to bring the mangosteen, dry boil water or use water boil bark Joab the mangosteen, and painted the area with a symptomto cover the dry, clear out or score blackhead remover acne Nong will collapse within 1 - 2 days
7. turmeric
turmeric has a new feature in the skin cell relay is how to use the red limestone half teaspoon of turmeric powder and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice 1 tablespoons of mix of people, it is of the same page after washing, cleaning, and then bring the ingredients.and until it is dry cream points every morning - cold until the head acne will collapse and disappear
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