PETANQUE ballsPlay petanque equipment, most importantly the blue ball, petanque (Boule) or because the pet ball ongtae ball. Each category has a variety of differences are explained in the following.1. the size: The size of the pet, there are rules that determine the global ongtam in diameter from 50 mm to 80 mm 70.05 (based on the fact a 71-80 mm) The size of the different pet ongthi will fit each person's hands rather than using pet ongkhanat. Generally, the bigger the ball played to advantage than in the measurement points. However, in most countries, the Thai player is at 71 or 72 mm which is considered small.2. weight. The ongthi pet weight rather than force, to stop or to have more because the Earth's gravity. Contains the loop pet ongthi harder than moving on the ground is better, because the weight is stalling, not too many jump balls when it barred State found.3. pattern The pattern on the ongmi pet variety, ranging from a smooth ball. Single double triple Stripes Stripes Stripes balls until you reach the honeycomb pattern (patterns of ten) and the format of the pattern is different. Ongcha pet roller pattern controls the ball, petanque With the ball, rather than moving on the surface pitch better. Called the island course better than smooth balls and hands to suck.4. hardness Hardness of the ball pet ongnan primary isolates is a stiff and light units are kilograms per square millimeter. The ball has a hardness degree 110 kg/mm2, called the weak or very soft shell suitable for solid Greens. The ball has a 115 degree hardness-120 kg/mm2, called balls, semi soft hard court suits until nearly stiff. The ball has a hardness is 130-140 kg/mm2 rigid ball called the surroundings suitable for soft, smooth semi semi rigid until soft.To consider PETANQUE balls In addition to better suit your abilities and also depends on the position of their play.Hand forging, hand or shoot. The ball is a large (up to 72 mm), lightweight (less than 690 g) or more patterns (0 or 1) and low hardness.Place the hands or hands or fingers island. Should select a smaller ball (71-72 mm) and heavy (up to 690 g) pattern a lot (more than 1) hardness, but the Greens.Because of the competition. Athletes can use pet ongkhong ball ourselves. So it should have its own child for 1 or more familiar series (3 balls), and the child should be certified by the United Nations ongnana pet House (read the rules for playing petanque) Before buying the pet ongkhuan study, as well as the pet ongmi prices rather high (depending on the models and brands) to select a suitable pet ball onghai ourselves.Brands that use a universal standard, and is considered to have been made. Obut (o BU suite)JB (JB)La Boule NoireInt? grale (General tek Ang)La Boule BleuOkaroMS (m-s)(Sorted in popularity)Best in the country, the most popular Thai Obut it Integral?The latter term is used the brand name La Franc Boule (La frong blue), FBT (-t fabi), Tong Plus (plus Tong) and Marathon (Marathon), where they are affordable. By some brands more brands, said the Confederation's pet onghaeng Thailand. Bow, used to compete internationally, but has not yet been adopted.
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