1. Chris Kyle is a cowboy's dream.2. Chris grew up with the gun that he used to teach hunting and deer.Bull riding competition until 3.Chris have received note after fall from บ้ติเห UM, cows make him quit as a cowboy, then quarter the u.s. Marines into combat units required.4.Chris take the time to train units or sniper sniper, as his main life is God. The nation. Family.5. Chris has found love with the couple until Taya married before the battle in just 1 day.6. the first of the Iraq battlefield to Chris Kyle.7.Chris come back to his hometown, where his wife, the baby is the first boy.8. Iraq battlefields.9. Chris has come back to the United States meet people who help them in Iraq battle, Chris, and then persuaded him to go to the veteran Center.10. to Iraq battlefield 3-4 times, the war ended.11.Chris has come back to the us again, along with wife has another daughter came for the birth.Veteran Center to 12.Chris, and has founded a company that has a contract with the military armed forces. By doing military training as a sniper13. February 2, 2013. Chris and his friends were shot to death at the stadium until the rehearsal shooting by former Marines veterans.
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