Dear World Environment Green Environment thing An environment that is paired with the world since the beginning. Every day, every time Environmental change gradually over time Whether it's changed for the better. Or changed for the worse. everything Around us, the environment, be it a tree, the ground, rocks, river, sea, mountains, all those things are in the environment naturally occurring or building bridges or even electricity poles those things, it is the environment that humans created. the environment means something spontaneous, natural and man-made. What tangible and intangible What you see with the eyes, and can not be seen with the eye. What is useful and not useful ( Kasem , 2540) from the definition above. It can be concluded that the environment is something that is all around us, but the word " we " in this case does not mean that we are only human. In fact, That is what we want to study / learn as we possibly soil. If the soil environment Or may be water If the water environment, etc. In addition, there may be doubt. All around us are limited to a radius much. Which could explain the things around us do not have boundaries. It may be near or far, we have. A role or have an interest to us, however, it depends on the nature and behavior of a tragedy such as World Trade Building. It is up to the US But with the country in terms of economic. Etc. This type of environment, from the definition of the environment such as the environment can be divided two categories: natural ( Natural. environment) and man-made environment ( Man - Mode. Environment) 1. Environmental Conservation ( Natural. Environment) is divided into two categories namely physical environment ( environmental or non-living ) environment and the living one. 1 Physical Environment ( Physical Environment) environmental or non-living ( abiotic. Environment) , divided as follows: 1.1.1 atmosphere ( Atmosphere) means the air that enveloped the world, composed of nine species such as ozone, nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, water vapor and dust 1.1.2 Hydrographic Department ( hydrosphere) means all the water. the surface of the Earth, including oceans, seas, rivers, etc. 1.1.3 geology or Earth's crust ( lithosphere) means. The world's solid outer wrap. The world of rock and soil 1.2 Environmental organisms ( Biotic. Environment) , including plants, animals and humans second. Manmade environment ( Man - Mode. Environment) divided into two categories: 2.1 Environmental concrete ( Concrete. Environment) , including homes, factories, roads, airports, dams measuring 2.2 Environmental abstract ( Abstract. Environment) , including culture, tradition, religion, law, economy, politics and so on.
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