1. data set When the bit-level data into to replace any data you want to store in the database by a set data may represent data, as in the following example:
.An integer. Most computers will store 32-bit number, which is the size of this number may vary depending on the computer's technology. 32-bit binary numbers to represent an integer from-2147, 483, 648 to 2147, 483,647 (-2 to 2-1), but if it is a data set that is specified as an integer is specified, only the mark will be able to represent an integer from 0 to 4294, 967, 295 (2-1)
.The number of decimals The computer will store decimal numbers using the flotthingphoi system, in General, there are two numbers, storage size is 32-bit and 64-bit
.The text to replace the text will need to change the text to the code, which is used instead of the individual characters. The length of this data set based on the characters in the text
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