Who invented air conditioning and build up as the first one is simple lalina Reinhardt. Collier, American male cache by lalina Reinhardt Collier has created a cache version of his first air up to about 1914.EPL lalina Reinhardt The cache is a boy unloved Collier in New York State, but it can make the race finally gets a scholarship in Engineering Sciences from the University of khonaen he like ventilation systems, heating and. So the first piece of work he has produced is invented and installed cooling system provides print in Boynton hole odor threshold. After graduation in 1901 by lalina Reinhardt Caching techniques used have adapted Collier heating steam model used widely at that time, can get cold water cool the circulating flow around the print factory. He can be in the calculated and the balance between the air flow with the temperature accurately. Until the air conditioning system of the reef is not only help cool down only. But it can also eliminate the moisture in the air at the same time. Make the temperature in the room lowered speed.ซื่งความสำเร็จในการทำความเย็นและลดความชื้นให้แก่โรงพิมพ์ได้นี้ ทำให้วิลลิส แคริเออร์ ได้รับการนับถือและยกย่องว่าเป็น บิดาแห่งเครื่องปรับอากาศสมัยใหม่
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