Machine name ginger
the name from the stump to plants for pharmaceutical machinery. Ginger
another name (of plants for medicine) ginger lilies, ginger, taro, computer communication networks, scientific name Zingiber officinale Roscoe
family name Zingiberaceae
external machine
.Characteristics of the rhizome. Flat horizontal branching shaped like a palm stem consists of a small advantage virtual inches long 3 - 16 cm. 3-4 cm wide and thick, more than 2 cm, outer surface yellow or light brown.Inside, there is a light yellow to brown as the grain is very fiber fragrance only yellow powder soft, sweet, pungent hot
rhizomeSweet and spicy, expel flatulence, angina, tight inflation, nausea and vomiting. Solve the panting cough pituitary dysentery growth substance in essential oil gas. The stimulatory action of contraction of the stomach and intestines.Tea drinking water to relieve nausea and vomiting. Relieve angina tight inflation, fresh rhizome of police squeezed water mixed กับน้ำมะนาว, and add a little salt. A cough expectorant
.Wardrobe: Spicy driving wind to emit burp colic, diarrhea
leaves: spicy, nourishes the nasal แก้ฟกช้ำ. Solve stones almshouse urine cure eye. Kill the parasite
flowers: Spicy anti-psychotic. Which makes heavy help digestion, almshouse urine
.Roots: the sweet spicy bitter, solve the tight, appetite for wind, phlegm, dysentery
effects: sweet, spicy บำรุงน้ำนม fever solution thirsty, sore throat, solve the night blindness. Elixir of rain do antipruritic:
.Ginger is also valuable nutrients to the body is a protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, vitamin A, and much more, ginger has the effect of warm help sweat After cooling, expel solve flatulence, help the appetite and make the body warm.Because the older will be more spicy ginger and dietary fiber. The fresh rhizome grill to cook. In mixed with น้ำปูนใสคั้น kept drinking water. Or bring in fresh rhizome on fire eating when symptoms of anorexia
.Chemical composition and nutritive value of ginger rhizome volatile oil
there is about 1 - 3% depending on how to grow and during storage. In oil containing chemicals. The point is, zingiberene (Zingiberene), zingiberol (Zingiberol),Bisabolene (bisabolene) and camphene (camphene) oil (oleo - resin) high amounts of the ginger has a pungent odor and taste spicy. Key components in oil Sun: gingerol (gingerol), โวกา ool (shogaol),Xing met Roan (zingerine) medicinal properties limited, spoiled, rancid. Put in oil or fat to prevent rancid rancid. Substances ginger medicinal properties, preservatives. This effect is a variant of phenolic tailored liquid
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