Unless specified differently at installation time, the installation binaries will reside at the<br>/hana/shared/ location; referring to the 3-digit system ID. The data files will<br>reside at /hana/data/, the log files at /hana/log/.<br>To answer the question what kind of storage device(s) to use for all those file system locations, more<br>aspects need to be considered. For a single-host SAP HANA system that does not require any<br>measures for failure safety, one might simply use local storage devices delivered as integral part of<br>the compute server1<br>, such as SCSI hard drives or SSDs, for all file system locations depicted above.<br>However, this may change as soon as a certain degree of failure safety and protection against data<br>loss needs to be guaranteed; examples:<br> For regular backups of a distributed SAP HANA system, it may be desirable to store the<br>backup archives of all instances of that system on one single storage device.<br> If SAP HANA Host Auto Failover needs to be leveraged (aka “local high-availability”), it must<br>be possible to share the same files between multiple hosts, as discussed in chapter “High<br>Availability”.<br>Taking such additional considerations into account, in many cases, rather than using host-internal<br>storage, the preferred storage solution will involve separate, externally attached storage subsystem<br>devices capable of providing dynamic mount points for the different hosts required in the overall<br>landscape.
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