Honey I was so happy reading your message honey I really do love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you forever. As husband and wife and family is very important I promise to always support you on your family because is our responsibility. To take care of them...
I miss you more then I did yesterday
Without, you by, my side I, feel incomplete
.I dread going to bed when the night falls, upon me
Because I know your not going to be there.
I feel lost without you. By my side
When, I wake up in, the mornings
I need you with me to keep, me safe
I need to be able to feel your, love.
You are my partner You are, my, soul mate
You make me, feel complete and whole
But, when your far away it ', s hard to. Go through, the day
.I know we talk on the phone but it ', s still not the same.
I need you here to help me get through, the struggles of my. Day
I, feel lost without you I can ', t stand another minute being away, from you
The distances between me, and you can. Never destroy our love
I, need you now more then I have ever before.
You are my best friend You are, my one, true love
.Even though I feel lost without you
Because, I can 't see or feel you next to me, right now
I still know your with me. In my heart.
When I start to, feel down cause I miss you
I, remember I can stop and take a look inside me
And, see you. There and feel your love inside me
And, it makes me happy once again.
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