The history of law is an important element of teaching law as well as the human body, which consist of the organ. If the lack of organs not something still life existence.The history of the law are similar, if not learn, study, can assemble the legal professional. And if the study history of law is to understand the law more deeply.As well as the confidence and the development of each country and various methods of human thinking up to solve the social problem in time and space. To understand the evolution of law and spirit of the law better, such asThen why change to use the law in Europe. A study on the history of law. We will see the evolution of the law and society at the same time, because the law is intended to serve the people in the society. Learning to know in depth, and the lawNeed to understand the state of each society, society, and in each period, including the spirit of the law, the scope of the law and that of the rules and laws. Such as the civil property divided into ThaiProperty and no shape, divided into real estate. Following the example of Roman law, and real estate, etc., can use the law correctly.We have to follow the spirit of the law is more important than the meaning of the law as written
.It can be said that the law is a matter of experience. Sometimes, the provisions of the law, it does not adhere to the principle of logic. Sometimes relies on history to explain the origins of the provisions of law. To understand the reason of the law, such asExamples of such to bring history to explain the various can answer the question, so the history one page is greater than the logic one book. The history of this part of the world civilization.
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