The history of the monkey cheeks project. The project is a concept in monkey cheeks to the initiative of his Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej to solve the problem by flooding, he realizes the severity of the floods that occurred in Bangkok. When the limiter is 2538 (1995) "monkey cheeks" occurs when the November 14 by 2538 (1995), provide catchment points in Bangkok to rain. By the time the Canal that drained enough to drain water from the reservoir. So it is possible to reduce the flooding problem. Both these In addition, the project will be carried out to help the monkey cheeks drainage. Reduce the severity of the flooding problem in the area, Bangkok and nearby. It also helps to conserve water and the environment. By the water slug When logged on to the canals being drained to go spoiling treatment, dilute it down and in the end, these are pushing water sewage, drain. The concept of the project, cheek monkeys. The concept of the project, the monkey cheeks caused by King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Has the initiative to hold the banana candies monkeys in the cheek. "so the monkey was urged to explain that in General, if we sent bananas, monkeys will get peeled. In the mouth, chewed, and then to the cheeks, before the monkeys to do this until all banana comb or full cheek. Then it gradually brought out chewed and swallowed. "with this, the initiative is the" monkey cheeks "project to build a water storage area ventilation. to benefit later. Characteristics and methodology of the project, cheek monkeys. The nature of the project, the monkey will perform cheeks drained from the area so that the water flows down the coastal water canal. Then, when the sea level lowered, until lower water in the Canal. The water in the Canal will flow into the sea, according to nature. Then it will begin pumping out water from the Canal functioned cheek monkeys to make water on slowly to flow so to cause a flood area is reduced until finally when sea level was higher than the level in a canal floodgate close by, water flowing down one way (One Way Flow). Types of monkey cheeks project. The project has 3 monkey cheeks the size is. 1. Large monkey cheeks (Retarding Basin) is a large swamp or pond that collects rainwater from the area around its slug for a period of time before it is cooled down to the river. These include a water storage dam, a reservoir dam, agricultural grassland, etc. The appearance of these buildings for other purposes, such as for irrigation, to consist of fishing, etc. 2. The monkey is a medium-sized bump on the cheek area of water that is smaller than the construction level of natural areas, such as river basin likely Nong swamp canals etc. 3. Cheek, a small monkey (Regulating Reservoir) is a smaller monkey cheeks might become a public space, a children's playground, parking lot or in the House, which is connected to the drainage system or the Canal. This is the private area of the monkey cheeks. Called the "monkey cheeks privately." In the area of Government and State-owned enterprises, is called the "monkey cheeks" Procurement and project design cheek monkeys. Considering the supply water retention areas. Need to know the volume flow rate, surface water and soil that will leave them out in the rain by the time interval, it is important to supply the area retain enough just to be a problem in the drainage. At present there are monkey cheeks, small and large scattered throughout Bangkok. Over 20 points, most of which are space-Thonburi side because there are lots of canals and drainage on the Chao Phraya River. Well this project is divided into 2 parts: Monkey cheeks project drainage area in the East side of the river. The Canal is located in coastal Samut prakan province side. Acts as the passage of water from Ayutthaya, saraburi. Pathum Thani, Nonthaburi, Bangkok The second part is a canal in the area west of the River, which will use the khlongomhachai Canal and River airport acts as a water canal in pathum Thani, Nakhon Pathom, Ayutthaya, Ang thong province between Bangkok and then drain into the sea side Samut sakhon. นอกจากนี้ยังมีโครงการแก้มลิง "แม่น้ำท่าจีนตอนล่าง" เพื่อช่วยระบายน้ำที่ท่วมให้เร็วขึ้น โดยใช้หลักการควบคุมน้ำในแม่น้ำท่าจีน คือ เปิดการระบายน้ำจำนวนมากลงสู่อ่าวไทย เมื่อระดับน้ำทะเลต่ำ ซึ่งโครงการนี้จะประกอบไปด้วย ๓ โครงการในระบบคือ ๑.โครงการแก้มลิง "แม่น้ำท่าจีนตอนล่าง ๒.โครงการแก้มลิง "คลองมหาชัย-คลองสนามชัย" ๓.โครงการแก้มลิง "คลองสุนัขหอน" ด้วยพระปรีชาญาณ และพระมหากรุณาธิคุณของพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว ที่ทรงห่วงใยพสกนิกรของพระองค์ "โครงการแก้มลิง" จึงเกิดขึ้น และช่วยบรรเทาวิกฤต และความเดือดร้อนจากน้ำท่วมรอบกรุงเทพมหานคร และปริมณฑลให้เบาบางลงไปได้ โดยอาศัยเพียงแค่วิธีการทางธรรมชาติ
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