Raphanus sativus.Dushasana, common name, Daikon Daikon Radish Radish White Radish,,,Dushasana scientific name Raphanus sativus L, Raphanus sativus var. Hortensis Backer Raphanus sativus, var. Longipinnatus. L.H. Bailey Raphanus sativus, var. Niger (Mill.) J.Kern. Arrange in acid radish (BRASSICACEAE or CRUCIFERAE).Dushasana, the name the other called right foot is naked, radish, radish, radish หัวผักกา white (general), cabbage (COI), vegetable wax. Vegetables เปิ๊ upset (North), Raphanus sativus (central).Dushasana originated in China. In general, turnip is together many colors as a white, red, purple, pink, and size will vary by breed digest. (Subspecies).According to the Chinese daikon is considered activity is cold medicine but spicy. This kind of vegetable which is considered very useful function of lung, stomach, colon ช่วยดับ thirst relieve hot cure chronic cough. There are sputum, indigestion, flatulence, constipation, which if eaten Dushasana for a while, then the symptoms These will relieve the symptoms better. Because the power is cold medicine. It should not be eating radish with drugs or herbal effects of ginseng or hot Dang Gui. Because it may be a neutralization effect each other. The ginseng or Danggui kicks in as good as it should. But don't misunderstand how this radish can eliminate the effects of drugs or other herbs, and eating radish to eat cooked or raw. But eating raw, it is beneficial to the body.
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