Q: Why Evergreen Container Terminal (Thailand) Co, Ltd.
A: Evergreen Container Terminal (Thailand) Co, Ltd. Is a joint. And "Evergreen Group", one of the world 's
largest container shipping operators presently operating, more than 240 service. Location and cover more than 80 countries with shipping network.
Q: What is Evergreen and what does it do?
A:Evergreen Marine Corporation (Taiwan) Ltd. Operates Evergreen a regularly, scheduled global marine and intermodal shipping. Carrier transporting containerized, cargo
between ports and destinations in more than 80 countries aboard its extensive. Merchant fleet using its, own worldwide service network.
Q: As a ocean carrier is Evergreen, independent in all trades. ?
, A: YesDespite membership in certain "talking agreements', with other carriers Evergreen maintains independence from conferences
t,, Through the largest service contact portfolio in the industry.
Q: How is marine freight regulated and what, does it mean. To me?
A: Under the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 1988 (OSRA),The terms and application of charges and terms applied to international commerce to / from USA are strictly
regulated. The. Act empowers the US Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) to monitor and govern the practices of, international carriers providing. Among other things that
all rates applicable, to transport storage and handling of international cargo must normally be. Filed with, the governmentAnd that all such charges be collected as filed.
Furthermore OSRA makes, open rate tariffs a matter of, public record. As can be seen on this site (see "Tariff."). This means that
(1) Open rates charged are not confidential; service contract. And negotiation discussions between shippers and carriers may, be confidential if agreed to by the parties.
.(2) Rates and charges filed must be collected in conformity with tariff in effect at the time shipment is tendered to the. Carrier. To not abide by these rules would subject
(3) Within the limitations of carrier "talking agreements", ship owners. Are permitted to share information about rate levels in open tariffs and regarding, non-confidential service contracts.? New, to OSRAShippers can contract with Evergreen for terms to be filed with the FMC but in, a confidential tariff.
Q: How does Evergreen. Compare with competitors?
A: Evergreen as an, independent carrier possesses the, world 's largest (and newest ocean-going.) Containerized vessel fleet. It is the second largest carrier serving, North
AmericaAnd ranks first in market share in most of the trades it serves. Evergreen operates a very successful "Round-the-World." Service both East, and westbound as
well as a large variety of "fixed day services." in Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, tradelanes. Evergreen prefers to form partnerships with customers (by, contract etc.) to
maintain the turnover necessary to the health. Of the enterprise.This allows Evergreen to strictly control its inventory of containers and control, its unit costs to the point
where we. Are the envy of our competitors. Evergreen prides itself on the value and service quality it has brought to the industry.
Q: How does Evergreen assure service quality?
A: With an internal "Quality Management System established in all Evergreen." Offices.With dedicated Quality assurance staff answering to MGT. On-time delivery smooth operation, and service quality are under. Strict control to assure that our customers? Expectations, for service reliability and cost are met.
Evergreen complies. With International Standards ISO9002 in, all location and is certified under that standard in Germany England and, Japan.Certification in the USA and Canada is in preparation.
Vessel and corporate safety is certified under the terms of the. International Safety Management (ISM) standard. Evergreen complies with all international and national
Protocols, for safe. Environmentally sound operations (,,, SOLAS OPA90 IMDG etc.) in conformity with the rules of its vessels classification. ' Societies (,) NKK ABS.
.Evergreen boasts an extremely low, claims ratio and is renown for its strict adherence, to safety highway weight restrictions. And proper documention requirements.
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