We know well that in open agreement 2558 (2015) free trade area in ASEAN or ASEAN Economic Community (AEC-ASEAN Economic Community) would be effective, which in Thai it is one of the ASEAN countries. Therefore, such an agreement will come into effect with the Thai hookers, when free trade is opened. Skilled workers in various countries in the ASEAN group. Will be able to migrate them free. In addition, cross-investments, it will be possible, and that means corporate tournament will be higher. When the race is over. The potential of the people in the Organization, and is to be much more as well.For organizations that are already multinational organization would not have a problem with anything much about the potential of the people in the Organization, but for an organization that is helpful to develop the potential of employees becomes an issue to the khan must have been urgent care and development of people and the need to take very seriously. In particular, the development of commercial-scale behavior that takes very much to most, and what are the skills and knowledge required to develop?The first thing is the language skills, especially in English. Of course feast developed tantamount to potential competitors. If we look in multinational investment could mean that we will have a multinational companies increased as well. Therefore we prepare in a matter of a language, so that we will be able to communicate with them smoothly.In addition to the subject of languages. Some are process, and need to be updated. Although this is not a major job to HR care because each party must have a role in improving their own work is already painted, but HR was still required to help strengthen the party as they are, but don't forget that after fine-tuning the Tana. Eye location, tasks, and properties of the people are working to change that HR must go to help care for people who live in the eyes of potential job placement with a suitable new location.Culture is another factor, one that we would like the prices. When foreigners come in Thai He is blind to some cultures added. Therefore, an employee seeking to learn about a different culture. Whether it is on the subject of race. Religion, or even the ideas and beliefs which are different even with prices that matter to pretend not to see eye to eye to squint into town by.Corporate culture is another matter that may need to be modified to be appropriate, which requires HR very much about it. Start by searching the current corporate culture, it is recommended that you refer to is, and how much is the part which could become obstacles in the future, and then to modify the culture of waste, for example, compensation, or moving the eyes visible location, according to a senior Thai people, though most would prefer to be like that, but when I open free trade and culture will make it more senior Yuyu disappeared from the organization.Other HR prepare them is a matter of keeping people with organizational misalignment because when multinational corporations into the Thai nation. The Rapids to compete for talented local people is high, it will have more. Not to mention the compensation paid to international organizations had. There's also the opportunity to travel to different countries to become attractive spots as well. If our Organization is not able to fight in these matters. What HR must is to find your organization, regardless of whether it is for commercial-scale production of culture. Colleagues, or some benefit to retrieve an employee with an organization, or if its really not find HR to collaborate with senior management to identify which employee was released that organizations want to keep, and tried every possible way to keep these employees removed.For the HR wants more education in their Division to look at broader, because in the future, in addition to the Thai people who are working in an organization. An organization may need to get foreigners coming to work with HR, so may have to take care of the various benefits in terms of increased employee foreigners may need to be increased rather than Thai people. In addition, HR must also understand the comparison of terms, for example in education. If there is a foreigner says his highest degree is Singapore GCE O Level exams that HR must understand that GCE O Level Singapore's equivalent of 6 high school.Read more: http://www.thai-aec.com/161#ixzz3V4sbAITi
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