Waiter (Waiter/Waitress women/men) The best waitresses require specific skills or expertise in the work? For example, the food scoop by scoop from the big bowl and using utensils and holding plate 3-4 that there is not to feed the six, etc.In addition, the waiter must also have the skills to communicate with people, because I want to talk to communicate with guests to use the services of a restaurant, said that all of the waitresses is a consequence of "the forces of the food" (food of Salesforce). Since the recommended roles or selling food at the Department, including the kitchen, make the customer experience. Waitress WINS clients to recognize a commitment of time and place to talk. Working agile and knowledgeable in the work itself is (is able to advise the customer that the order should be selected and what can also explain to the customer that the dish is cooking methods?). Waitresses must be ready when guests want to move out and stood quietly while the customers do not want to do.Good management also includes the appropriate tempo, for example, when guests need anything rushed quickly utilised responsiveness, etc. Waiter should know in advance what its is required before the right to pakkho. In addition, the waiter should prepare in advance to 1 step is always in a hurry to say, for example, that there is a big kitchen Department, khaekklum added, so that the Department can prepare ahead of time and knowledge.In the case of a small restaurant that serves only a few employees are workers in the waiter's responsibility to have the edge ... more. The main functions are as follows:·ตกแต่งหรือจัดแจงห้องอาหารให้ดูดี และสะดวกสบาย·จัดวางโต๊ะเก้าอี้ และอุปกรณ์เครื่องใช้บนโต๊ะ·รับจองโต๊ะจากลูกค้าที่โทรศัพท์เข้ามาสั่งจอง·ต้อนรับลูกค้า·รับออเดอร์หรือคำสั่งเกี่ยวกับอาหารและเครื่องดื่มจากลูกค้า·นำอาหารและเครื่องดื่มไปเสิร์ฟ·เก็บโต๊ะเมื่อลูกค้ารับประทานอาหารเสร็จแล้ว·กล่าวขอบคุณเมื่อแขกจะกลับ หรือส่งแขก·ทำความสะอาดห้องอาหาร
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