Gaia is a freshwater algae like in clear water flowing all the time. Another type is different, seaweed, seaweed gray like depend in still water. The difference that Cladophora no fishy smell. A shot in which only the River District of salt pond, and Dr.Only the bottom part of biomolecules in Mueang District, then, because the water dirty. The ปีหนึ่งจะ collect shot only during the month of Nov - May. Therefore, people, especially in the District of Nan Tai Lue biomolecules, popular collect trigger local food such as T
.> > > wrapped steamed Gaia brought fresh shot that just keeps clean and finely chopped wait. Pound garlic, shallot, lemongrass, coriander root, pepper thoroughly. The shot put chopped mix juice, fresh water leaves yanang add a little salt and mix well.Then the story 30 wrapped steamed steamed chicken wrapped in minutes to eat onion invite
> > > ไกยี brought a fresh clean shot and then dried in the sun set. Only 1 days will trigger dry fresh green. They were roasted frame Yi or grounded. Season with fried garlic, sesame seeds, salt, and sugar and a little.
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