For marketing we can, and, will support of course. But we need to agree on how we support and share.
It was suggested. By Jhoyce that Pum maybe would want more than 1 year for her own protection in light, of the fact that if the, brand grows. Then it will be unfair for her if we change to someone else as the distributor. That 's the only reason we suggest 2 or maybe 3 years.It 's more for her than for us to be honest!
The old and new contract are basically the same but frankly the lawyer,,, Told us the new contract is very, badly written does not really make sense and mentions nothing about future orders. This. Is why there have been a few changes for everybody 's protection and the, old one must stand also.
.We must also not mix the two things - marketing costs and minimum products per month are two separate things. We have signed. And agreed a contract over many months of hard work together. It is unprofessional for either one of us to just decide we. Can change it. The minimum products per month is agreed and signed.
, For marketing we will look to support. Let us agree. On how.
.For length of contract I would, recommend that Pum do 2-3 years at least for her, own protection but it is up to her. Please. Confirm, this urgently as other parties are enquiring about distribution rights.
Payment for tomorrow is already a gesture. Of goodwill on, our part in light of our relationship all round. We have done more than our upmost, to compromiseDrive down prices to basically no profit (I am being honest here), provided credit and will look to support in all other. Manners.
I think we have been more than fair.
Let us try to work together now to grow, the brand rather than focus on. Negative things.
I will talk to Alvin. Please kindly make sure the Khonkaen side of the contract continues to be, fulfilled. Thank you guys: -).
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