The large Srivijaya market yanklang of goods, spices in it there was a cargo vessel to the city, Arab countries Oman. Merchants, it's known as ruler of Srivijaya and Arabs have archives, but krung krung Sri vichai was called the Saudi mada. A message appears in the book the story of the ancient Indo-China peninsular Kingdom of thonkiao drugs with the stability of Srivijaya in the letter why Arabs are now. "The income from the land of Lord sai Lake not a part from the value atyabat fighting cock cock cock as winner of the privileges of the Palace. The owner of the gold present One thing that these Arabs see merchants should, that is, in the morning every day, his stamp in the Royal Palace, which is facing a large pool, century. At that time the servants take one sheet of gold bricks. He spoke to government officials to throw bricks into gold in the pool immediately. This tide pool, because there is a little stream that connects to the pool or the sea, flood tide time stack bricks of gold, which the cast have been collected every day. Time, tide, it sees those gold bricks to emerge North of the water. To the Sun, glowing yellow Lae Maharaj said, "Behold the power of we" throw a brick into the pool as a tradition of the Saudi mada Maharaj. Conduct foreseen. If any element, the end of the dash and down the sights of death. Palace that succession, collecting gold bricks melt. Then he distributed Pan unto King wong and the rest is Government bestow the poor. The number of sheets of gold bricks of one element, the Palace throw in the pool when it is time to die, they collect and write the number down correctly. If any element when it died, it turns out that there is a sheet of gold bricks that have been collected as many of the most popular sights of the highly praised because it assumes the throne long years. The number of gold bricks, so there. " Although it will be a very prosperous Srivijaya has been very long and up to 600 years old, but he was unable to point to that significant capital or the capital of Srivijaya. Archaeological evidence is required to be accepted until they are certain that the same is also argued. There were those who assumed that many anywhere for sure. For example, Professor yoge se des assumes that it is the capital of Srivijaya Sumatra. It is located west of the city of palembang. Today, there are more and more powers and when it spread throughout occupied territories. Cape mala u till the land the city chaiya best archaeologists of people of India the name tar community believe that the capital of Srivijaya shouldn't exist at palembang in Sumatra in Sumatra did not appear. Salvage nation is built the capital of Srivijaya, but any large, that was supposed to be somewhere in the Malay Peninsula, rather than address.
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