Good health means having or creating a healthy body and a healthy mind! We all want to have good health, but the health care seriously. If we don't take care of your body and soul, well, then we will have a healthy one?Health care it can be done by.Because health care is very important. If healthy, will reduce the chances of illness down. Don't forget health care. health care again, in front of the oncoming winter have. As follows: 1. regularly to maintain healthy, strong, always. By eating enough useful and comprehensive group Drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, resting enough. Not to endure hard work too 2. in which there is no air in the crowded, especially during the pandemic of influenza. 3. avoid smoking, alcohol use and drugs served batit, because it might cause degraded bodily health. There is a chance of infection easily. 4. avoid being close to the patient as the flu and should not use the same towel page. Glass of water. Plate, spoon, Bowl, etc. 5. wash hands frequently, because it may be touching the germs that are based on such things as handrail. Doorknob Mugs, etc because they could inadvertently exposed in front of an ordinary hand SOAP with a 15-20 seconds, or using the other hand cleaners. 6. maintain a warm body in the air changes. In a good winter hats to reduce heat transfer from the body. 7. If this is influenza or flu should have it time mouth and nose, sneeze. Not familiar with others and wash hands frequently. 8. for skin problems, we should let the body kayopun at all times. Put on clothes, if very cold na Do not bathe for very long in a cold climate. May not need to take a shower twice a day, like the other? After bath oil, skin lotion, Vaseline or Vaseline should be after-dampened cloth towels in case there is a problem with cracking lips lipstick it should and should not lick at mafipak frequently. Everyone should keep a good health care all the time because it is a disease that is the most cost-effective and no one knows whether the illnesses will happen to us when. If we could be more sick people with basic good health. For those who do not age, it should be better health care as well. Because good health in young age at disease prevention is more armor.
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