Technology Development It is human progress in bringing the knowledge of many applications to benefit society and improve well-being for the better. Developing technologies to facilitate travel. It is a key interest of the use of scientific knowledge. Especially science, electronics and computer use. To help individuals and society Access to and use of technology Efficient
transport systems and intelligent traffic or ITS - Intelligent Transport Systems are systems that combine information technology. Electronics, computers and telecommunications to integrate applications such as image processing technology (Image Processing) technology with radio frequency identification (RFID) technology for wireless communication (Wireless. Communication) technology, voice recognition (Voice Recognition) technology computer networks (Computer Network) technology, data warehouse (Data Mining) technology, Artificial Intelligence (Data Warehouse) technology to detect or recognize (Sensor) technology can be used to add. Efficiency in logistics tracking control, including the safety of the trip. With these smart technology. Traffic will be managed as a system. And responds to the needs of transport and travel in a certain degree as reduce accidents. Tackle traffic jams And environmental issues
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