Venice was founded in the 5th century by refugees fleeing the invasion from the north. They have created a unique settlement of the islands of Venice to protect against external threats
Venice is a satellite city of the Byzantine Empire until the 10th century, beginning with the trade route to the Levant. Venice became known after the fourth Crusade (AD 1202-1204), the colonial empire which included Crete UB Aziz good mix and a stronghold in the Ionian Islands and Moria. Russell's pin together
in the year 1381 Venice defeat to Genoa after a battle lasting more than a century in the trade and the Eastern Mediterranean's Levant. In the 15th century A collection of cities In neighboring regions He became a state of the Republic of Venice, Italy. Gradually the region of Venice Lost to the Turks Gradually, after a long struggle for three centuries, until the land last Aegean to the Turks in 1715, later in 1797 Venice came under Austrian rule
after the revolution. Austria Venice is released back to Italy in 1899 during World War 2, Venice, received minor damage. But severe damage during the 1966 floods due to overflowing water canal with several locations around Venice. Reconstruction and try to maintain the original architecture, including Italian, Arabic architectural style of Byzantine and Renaissance elements. Difficult because the water level in the lake rises and floods the city is
now a bustling tourist industry and Venice has also played a major role in the economy of the Veneto region.
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