IntroductionNADK NAD kinase (s/s property recycle ATP: NAD ;2 '-phosphotransferase, EC Peter : 00.Located at Cheyenne mot Into the pixel ลั้ ot and consummate Pro rakha Yi Casa hole o Te.Studies located in flora s/s NAD kinase Cheyenne to my have.B amun. By า NAD kinase is found.KOEI bame อลัซิมขอ wakhi angok NAD + and NADP almost ngue +.(Turner et al., 2005) by NADP + have ngachak.NAD + by the use of energy from ATP noptikiriya .Phosphorylation (Stryer, 1995), NAD +, and.NADP + is electron in the system on receipt.Control of metabolism in cellular reaction to iron out any, Aviv .And data from reactive oxygen species, flattened cell .(ROS) found here – the proportion of NADP +./NAD + will.Increasing FDA ngonwot speed broad ten here in Shanghai here on the plants.Disease (Turner et al., 2005) in this research.Year active courses tue At NAD kinase from white cannot (Oryzaซงเป่ึ sativa L.) plus ชทื me yathang saraset กัจิ focus issues include.Thailand's าน scheduling by the si mi kasa ึ NAD kinase.In Arabidopsis yakhon the meaning of article found. ngakue บั NADMany types of plants found in the kinase Chea green tomatoes.(Lycopersicon esculentum), b าว, over(Zea mays) and soybean (Glycine max), and.Find active Te vi. hit of NAD kinase with control.Calgary's international remembrance Lin wamot consummate (calmodulin) วย (Turner.Et al., 2004), this experiment KOR wayakan Crusher.Clone genes from a b wakhe NAD kinase1 success pET21a.(+)-Yopla and here ngot samit naenot com Suites hotel an eternal.Escherichia coli genetic Rosetta check cableTo collect pumpkins to Pro PA table v SDS-PAGE ี and Western works.Blot analysis to make soluble enzyme haibon XI ์ิ thathu.By nickel column green and active Te video hit of the NAD.- kinase อเปื่ nok page laphu คื้ ญทัทำใหี่ Gen-eternal mind, nathan .The working mechanism of NAD kinaseHow to studyCreate table city som dari Nan from the brand-new component b NAD!!kinase1 (NADK1)SOP คื -nok Makhi waphe-UNO's aha ยื่ NADK1!!By sequencing of the genes used and NADK1 acid.174 the Black River with ethnic European, Nathan , and the Board of.Ahmad rahi Thi สไดั Mano translates from Arabidopsis Copenhagen query.Apply a sequencing cDNA of amun b gene NAD kinase.The came forward and reverse primer design.Forward primer primer by provide a recognized specification cutting property recycle s/s Ndel (New England.Reverse primer walking loop Biolabs) have recognized. specification cutting property recycle s/s Sall (Fermentas).(1) support the Memphis Restaurant & of design.Gene wayatheknik NADK1 Jade (Agen, consummate Polymerase PC.Chain Reaction) by shutting down the cDNA clone from .The National Institute of AgrobiologicalSciences (NIAS), Pedro and made namae.Check the size of the pieces, gene วยอะ sache flattened Hotel jade.Silicone fori electrolyte (gel electrophoresis agarose).Take slice gene NADK1 the the number of success pTZ57R/T came to the clone crossed (Fermentas) Lae watham.Sofon makhe sink E. coli genetic line success XL-1.Blue by .-CaCl2, flattened at the banquet.On wu mountain restaurant LB with antibiotics, the maphisi hotel is activated with. focus าย mok crossed 100 micro gram nasut suite. aminlilit.X-gal and -porn with IPTG lead refill colony of white.The quarter city wayawithi Alkaline etching samit jade lysis.(Sambrook & Russell, 2001), and check the.The size of the yi peoples nice Lor sache เลิ วยอะ Hotel โฟร็ kathon Xin XI.Six ได่ี city สม้ nanam dathi come. . s/s dadua yaen Sai dachampho.Ndel and Sall and genes in pieces of eternal pET.21a. (+) (Novagen) wayaen Sai , s/s, Impressionist-cut the same.To provide the birth to His-tag ngaprotin with connectors, consummate. sur. Ta noplai prices are prohibited for those lookin told SI's protein com.Business naenot NADK1 and mopla samit sofonNan Martin pET21a rokom b (+) E. coli ู he's พนธั line ุ.XL-1 Blue by extraction method, the CaCl2 Lae watham.Alkaline Lysis samit wayawithi city jade.Samit came to examine pieces of ornamental gene inserted into an eternal .A hotel flattened sache Electrolyte fori Xin'sTo consummate business naenot com ngaprotin NAD kinase1.In E. coli genetic Rosetta (DE3) line.Take samit naenot city pET21a com business (+)Report makhe anchovies sofon E. coli genetic line success Rosetta.(DE3) (Novagen) CaCl 2 ี nanam wathi six-ลั้. The feed on the mountain restaurant wu LB with antibiotics.The city ngamue ability เขี mok mopsi Li Not าย 100 micro dathu Department.. aminlilit to choose city colony with samitNan Martin rokom b bring Cologne lone male ได่ี t-Wen Yong in lawi.LB with antibiotics at maphisi Li mok is activated in an eternal mountain.Most Suite 100 micro gram าย aminlilit by the law.Around 250.37° c temperature anathi Copenhagen 16-18 chawamo times งั่ Le-Li Yong. สมัดิ ไดี่ consummate Suite boplaLiquid fuel in a meal at the hotel anhydrous to finally absorb light.At 600 nm KRA TU here to production 0.6 nahaiNan Pro raton com b Te te by six Mitsubishi IPTG nanam ไปั้.Sok dapo ใหี-flattened by ratan wayakhon นเสื่ yangi difference mo.Rotating snakes (sonication) check thasi to Rails Pro PA!! ไดี่- lot of lookin bopla samat by Polyacry SDS-cystic ี.lamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)Gene sequencing, size, private e-mail or (Tai Mo. nucleotide).NADK1 Forward 5' -GCCCATATGTCGCTCGACGAGCTTCCGCAC- 3' 30Reverse 5' -CTGGTCGACATCACGCGGGCCGTCGAATGA- 3' 30Table 1 of primer at the base sequence used for cloning genes NADK1 success pET21a eternal (+)Gene cloning and consummate business naenot ngaprotin com NADK1 from b าว 175.Results naenot NADK1 bikini com protein purityHydro soluble protein by walking up to 30 mM.Imidazole nanikkoen Lae wanam column to interested mountain (GE.The domain " ngakho healthcare) Lam wayabap jade green food poison that is 30.MM imidazole, until Cagayan nasaeng ทื, specialized product category Lu Ya Pittsburgh.Wave, 280 NM Peter : 00 pm baseline column leachingJade wayabaf with 200 mM imidazole food poison Lae wanam come.From NOK 50 mM dialysis process in Tris-HCl(PH7.9), 0.2 mM EDTA, 0.1 mM DTT, so.Get rid of imidazole, and then check for protein.Com naenot by the SDS-PAGE bikiniThe hi Pro & PA wakhro comfort wayathe men Nan Te mo. b- Ki.western blotCheck the business naenot com NADK1 proteinWestern blot analysis by Jade wayatheknik Rd. yaon.Protein into a distinctive hotel PVDF membrane phae (MachereyNagel) วย block nonspecific 5% skim milk, carbonated.And ี bamok baae natap anti-His (GE Healthcare), clay.End of the His6 กับั Hiongpe nawela ทอี่ naphu Mu Tag 3 chawamo PLE.Then feel free to with Immunoglobulin G antibody(Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories)Links akap property recycle tons of alkaline phosphatase, s/s.(AP) ทอี่ naphu Mu 1 chawamo time Copenhagen hiong งั่, and check the.AP's active Te vi wayawithi jade colorimetric publication by shutting down .BCIP/NBT Pedro nasap set PAActive monitoring of NAD kinase Te video hit.After the separation of protein wayache call ลอิเล็ก mo.Silica gel in native Buffalo fori food poison Tris-glycine.(25 mM Tris, 192 mM glycine) with pH mM DTT and 1 mM ATP used by 7%.4% stacking gel gel and separating checkedMartin NAD kinase twi cannot force ดวยว in-gel activity ี works.Staining (Grose et al., 2006) by j. lamap s/s.At 37 degrees Celsius. In the staining solutionGrind the mixture that is 2 mM nitroblue วย KOR.tetrazolium, 2.7 mM phenazine methosulfate(PMS), 0.1 M G6P, 0.5 units/μL G6PDH, 100mM NAD, 60 mM ATP, 100 mM MgCl2In 0.1 M Tris-HCl, pH 7.5 by Barry nachut with ngape.And here is where my NAD audit tornado force Te video hit.NAD kinase from aqueous solution of crude protein(Crude protein) and proteins from green nanikkoen column.Make directory by reaction with filled protein mixture.สวนผสมของ 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH7.9), 6 mMMgCl2 และมี 4 mM ATP และ 4 mM NAD เปนสารตั้งตน หลังจากทิ้งใหทำปฏิกิริยา 30 นาทีที่อุณหภูมิ 25 องศาเซลเซียส หยุดปฏิกิริยาโดยตมเป นเวลา 5 นาทีนำไปปนด วยความเร ว็ 13,000rpm นำสวนใ
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