Before the ceremony, rice distribution to tell relatives and friends at home that have merit for the deceased relatives. Enough to merit during the day will offer alms. Called a wrap ad thi and catering Sometimes there will be jobs in the service to offer 9 Naga. In the evening, they will have to listen to a sermon, and during the night, it would have marasop the host of job hiring. Whether it's folk music from isaan, movies etc
On the morning of a new day and will be offering alms to monks. They would come home to host or present at the temple. After that, they will have to listen to a sermon was last covered fabric. After that, it will have a banquet food, who attended a ceremony marking the completion of. The relative merit of rice distribution to the deceased to
ISAN people's gratitude towards your relatives and persons with grace. Merit-making ceremony rice distribution, so as to show gratitude to those who died.
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